GeneralJuly 31, 2023

How to Install a Metal Roof over Shingles?

How to Install a Metal Roof over Shingles

Installing a metal roof over shingles is a popular choice for homeowners seeking to enhance their roof’s durability and energy efficiency. It allows you to avoid the costly and time-consuming process of removing the existing shingles. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps of How to Install a Metal Roof over Shingles while ensuring the safety and longevity of your roofing system. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or planning to hire a professional, this article will equip you with valuable insights and actionable steps to make your project successful.

How to Install a Metal Roof Over Shingles

This section will delve into the step-by-step process of installing a metal roof over shingles. Before you begin, gather all the necessary tools and materials, including safety gear, to ensure a smooth and efficient installation.

Step 1: Evaluate Roof Condition

Before proceeding with the installation, inspect your existing shingle roof for any damages or structural issues. Ensure that the shingles are not severely deteriorated or sagging. If you encounter any problems, it’s essential to address them before installing the metal roof.

Step 2: Prepare the Roof Surface

Clean the existing shingles thoroughly to remove debris, dirt, and loose materials. Install an underlayment, such as roofing felt or synthetic underlayment, to provide an additional barrier against moisture and enhance the roof’s longevity.

Step 3: Measure and Cut the Metal Panels

Measure the roof’s dimensions accurately and calculate the number of metal panels needed. Use a specialized metal-cutting tool to trim the panels to the required size, ensuring a precise fit.

Step 4: Install the Metal Panels

Start installing the metal panels from one side of the roof, following the manufacturer’s guidelines. Use screws or nails designed explicitly for metal roofing to secure the panels in place. Ensure proper overlap between panels to prevent water infiltration.

Step 5: Add Flashing and Trim

Apply flashing around roof edges, chimneys, and vents to prevent water from seeping in. Install metal trim to give your roof a polished and professional appearance while providing additional protection against the elements.

Step 6: Inspect and Double-Check

After the installation is complete, thoroughly inspect the roof for any loose fasteners or imperfections. Make necessary adjustments and ensure that the metal roof is securely attached.

Advantages of Installing a Metal Roof Over Shingles

Installing a metal roof over shingles offers several benefits, making it a popular choice among homeowners. Let’s explore some of these advantages:

  • Cost-Effective Solution: Avoiding the cost of shingle removal translates to significant cost savings, making metal roof installation an economical choice.
  • Energy Efficiency: Metal roofs reflect sunlight, reducing heat absorption and keeping your home cooler during hot summer months, leading to energy savings on air conditioning.
  • Longevity: Metal roofs are highly durable and can last for several decades, outperforming traditional shingle roofs that often require replacement within 15 to 20 years.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Metal roofs are often made from recycled materials and can be recycled at the end of their lifespan, making them eco-friendly.
  • Fire Resistance: Metal is non-combustible, offering enhanced fire resistance compared to shingles, which can add an extra layer of protection to your home.
  • Improved Aesthetics: Metal roofs come in various colors and styles, allowing you to choose a design that complements your home’s architecture.

Important Considerations Before Installing a Metal Roof Over Shingles

While installing a metal roof over shingles has numerous advantages, it’s essential to consider some critical factors before proceeding:

  • Local Building Codes: Check with your local authorities to ensure that installing a metal roof over shingles is permitted and complies with building codes.
  • Weight-Bearing Capacity: Metal roofs are heavier than shingles, so verify that your roof structure can support the additional weight.
  • Roof Ventilation: Ensure your attic has proper ventilation to prevent moisture buildup and promote energy efficiency.
  • Warranty Coverage: Understand the warranty terms and coverage offered by the metal roofing manufacturer to protect your investment.
  • Professional Installation vs. DIY: While DIY installation may seem tempting, hiring a professional roofing contractor ensures a high-quality and long-lasting installation.
  • Weather Considerations: Plan your installation during a favorable weather window to avoid potential damages and work delays.


In conclusion, installing a metal roof over shingles is an excellent way to improve your home’s durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetics. By following the proper installation process and considering important factors, you can ensure a successful and long-lasting roofing project. Embrace the benefits of a metal roof and enjoy the peace of mind it brings as a reliable and sustainable roofing solution.

District Roofing

District Roofing, hailing from Northern Virginia, serves as a knowledgeable author in the roofing industry. With a commitment to customer satisfaction and community engagement, they offer insights into roof repair, replacement, and damage assessment. Their expertise extends to working with insurance claims and providing emergency services, ensuring readers get professional advice backed by hands-on experience​.