If you are experiencing roof issues, you need to get them sorted as soon as possible. The longer you leave roof damage to rot, the worse it will become, causing even more issues. This is true, even if the problem was minor, to begin with. How to Patch Shingles On a Roof is our topic today.
One of the standard roof issues that people face is broken shingles, which can be pretty simple to fix; however, if you don’t know what you’re doing or are not much of a DIY-er, it’s best to leave this to the professionals. That’s where we come in to save the day.
Let’s look at how to patch shingles on a roof first, and then you can decide what to do going forward.
How To Patch Shingles On A Roof
Assess The Situation
Before you get started, you need to assess the level of damage. Knowing how many shingles to order and what tools you will need is essential. If there is too much damage for you to manage, contact us and we’ll be there.
When checking how many shingles need replacing, you should look for curled or hanging-off shingles. Other signs that your roof needs repairing are leaks inside your home coming from your roof, or if there have been high winds, then it’s worth taking a look.
Find The Replacement Shingles
Now that you know how many shingles you need, you must find the correct replacements. Home improvement stores will be your best bet at finding these if you don’t have any spare ones already lying around your home. Be aware that you might struggle to find an exact match to your existing shingles, depending on your roof age.
Remove The Damaged Shingle
Once you get on the roof, you must remove the damaged shingle if it has not already come off. It would help if you pried it off using your tools while maintaining your balance on the roof. Locate the nail under the shingle and lift it upwards to detach it from the top.
You must be careful while completing this process. It can be tricky at times, and if you feel overwhelmed at any point, stop what you’re doing and call us so that we can help.
Secure The Shingle To The Roof
You’re almost finished now; you must secure the new shingle to the roof. Slide your new shingle into the space where the old one was. Take your time doing this and ensure it’s in the right place so that you don’t experience additional leaks.
Before you get down, take some time to reseal this part of the roof to protect it. You can get the sealant from your local home improvement store. If you don’t rate your skills as a handyman, or you don’t want to get up on your roof, you’ll likely struggle with this. The good news is that we are here to help, call or email us today to secure our services.